These changes have been implemented by the introduction of a new Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims to run alongside an amended Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents. Whilst the government has thus far resisted the urge to implement the threatened increase of the small claims limit for personal injury claims to £5,000, the further proliferation of fixed costs schemes, which have already been slashed earlier this year, is unlikely to provide much solace to Claimant solicitors. These changes are the latest in a long line of reforms implemented by the Government in response to the Jackson Report which have already succeeded in making drastic changes to the legal and economic landscape of the personal injury sector. The amendments to CPR Part 45 represent both vertical and horizontal expansions of the scope of the Portal Scheme which now not only covers personal injury claims arising out of Road Traffic Accidents, but also Employers’ Liability and Public Liability claims up to a maximum value of £25,000.

31 July 2013 heralded the most recent step in the much anticipated expansion of the MOJ Portal for personal injury claims.