I tried it on two other newer vehicles - 08 Accord and 2011 Ford - with the same results.

IF U DON'T FIND ONE BAD U MAY HAVE A BAD PCM. Checking The Charging System On A Ford Focus Using An Actron Cp9690 Elite Autoscanner. Bluetooth Connection: Open the ThinkDiag App, it will automatically search to activated device and connect via Bluetooth in the App. Compatible with 1996 and newer vehicles, AutoScanner Plus. To diagnose the OBD2 scanner hyperlink error, you need to pull out the plug of the digital system of the automobile. If you have questions not covered in the manual, please call our Technical Support line at 1-80 (8:00 - 6:00 EST Monday - Friday), or send an email to P0501. best site to learn data science for free touch vpn free unlimited mod v1 5 0 unlocked androgeek88 com Description: This is a step by step tutorial on how to change the OBDII connector. Buy Bosch- Actron CP9690 at JEGS: Bosch- Actron Elite AutoScanner Code Scanner Kit OBD-I, OBD-II and CAN. CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE FOR~ASK A TECH & NEW MERCH. Because of the inconsistency I thought perhaps a loose or bad connection on the OBD2 port. Tried to update it through SOURCE: OBD2 Link Error comes on when scanner reads. If the display is hard to read, adjust the contrast using the Tool Setup/Test function. I have also had my truck at Discount Tire and they were unable to connect and Autozone too. We had the experts at Mercedes Medic list the top ten scanners based on price and functionality. When the scanner is paired with your phone, the App will show the diagnostic results. more detailed information to help you get the most out of your scanner. auto sleeper nuevo for sale near me x salt lake duplex for sale the root component in this blueprint is inherited and cannot be replaced x kingdom kpop 3) because the engine has to be off when doing a code erase/reset I can never reset the codes. The connector is a female 16-pin connector that is trapezoidal in shape. Just like any other standard scan tool, the cp9680 code reader is used to check engine, Airbag, and ABS when the dashboard light comes. The Actron's manual had more details and better explanation compared to AutoXray EZ Scanner 4000. Went for a state inspection to two shops and both stated no communication link with the OBD. Insert the ThinkDiag device, there will be a green light which indicates the device is powered on.